Not even Hannibal is into that

Weren't they right? Homosexuals didn't choose to be that way, same thing with pedos. But homosexuals acting upon those desires is nothing wrong cuz they are already mature, but if pedos act upon there desires, they obv deserve to die right there, because a child can't give consent, rapists obv deserve to die, and I would fucking want them to be tortured to death if they fap to child porn. But, like I said, there are some who have come out to say that they are sexually attracted to children but have never acted upon those desires in any way(like neither fap to them nor sex), and want to be cured of this condition through therapy.. so what's wrong with that? I mean, they haven't done anything wrong by just being mentally ill by birth right? It's a condition they have, if they don't act upon it, you can just sympathize with them.

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