As a homeschooling father of seven kids, plus one granddaughter... Using kids as pawns to get what they want just shows that every teacher that participated in that strike is a vindictive, self-serving wench who has no business teaching kids their ABC's, let alone ethics, morality, or politics
All you've proven is that you're wealthy and a little bit sexist. The fact that you can homeschool means your family is probably making much more than what the average teacher does. You also homeschooled 7 kids? Teachers in AZ have 23 students on average, so you have less than one third of the number of students a teacher has to deal with and an advantage that they're your kids, so you can adapt personal learning styles to them.
It would be different if schools were the way they were 30 years ago, but they're not.
Again, 23:1 student-to-teacher ratios on complete crap salaries. Two things are going on. First the crap salary means that teaching doesn't attract the best-and-brightest, and those that stay will always have financial troubles which sometimes means a second job or quitting teaching. I used to work with an engineering tech who gave up teaching and started a new career in her 30s, simply because she couldn't afford to continue teaching and made more her first year as an entry-level tech than her teaching job for which she had a Bachelor's degree.
Secondly, you simply can't teach kids correctly when you have 23 students. Managing kids and hoping the take on what they learn is the only way you can cope with that many kids. There's no room for managing learning styles unless you've got a small classroom.
Everyone complains about how bad the school system is and then doesn't want to pay to fix it. If we doubled the number of teachers and bumped the salaries by 30% just to start, I'm sure the resulting school system would be phenomenal in about 10 years time.