Not GG-Related, but Patton Oswalt Has A Great Talk With Salon, & Discusses Why He's So Frustrated With What They've Become

"The three scariest words, as a comedian, that got said last year was the Suey Park interview either with HuffPo or Salon. Three words, “Context doesn’t matter.” Holy shit, that could not be further from what comedy is. When she said, “Context doesn’t matter,” I’m like, OK, that should be our line in the sand as satirists, comedians, all of us. Context absolutely matters.

I’m definitely not speaking for her, and could be wrong, but my understanding was that she was arguing the context of that joke on Twitter was different than the context on the show.

It still worked brilliantly on Twitter, because unless you’ve never seen “The Colbert Report” in your life, how could anyone read the “ching-chong” thing and think that, “Well, I guess they decided to be racist.” You’d have to be the dumbest human being on the planet. And, what’s even more sickening — and which Stephen pointed out so brilliantly — was that he was trying to take down this actually powerful racist organization and she deflected all the heat off of them. The Washington Redskins should send her a gift basket. “Hey, thanks, thanks for putting all the focus on the guy making fun of us.” She replaced mocking and pity and actual progress with outrage and nonsense. And now we’re safe. Thanks, Suey Park! What the fuck? What the fuck?"

This is great. However, I think he's being naively optimistic with this:

"That’s why I like rough, vulgar, tasteless language, because it’s messy and it gets to the heart of the matter and then it’s all fucking out there. Todd Glass said to me, “If you can mock it, you can manage it.” At the beginning of last year, the end of 2013, I was very anti-p.c. I thought that p.c. had mutated. P.c. was our Tea Party, that’s how I thought of it. But then he pointed out to me the British comedian Stewart Lee. He is so brilliant. He’s said that if the extremist 10 percent of “political correctness” also comes with improved attitudes about race, and sexuality and overall equality, then it’s worth it. Maybe some people are policing shit out of context, but if that’s attached to the larger issues of maybe thinking more about your target, are you punching downwards, then I’ll take it."

This hope is not is what is happening. With regards to this subreddit, gamers are a punch-down target. They're socially marginalized and it's pretty evident in how difficult it has been for them to speak for themselves and stand up against accusations.

All that is happening is that big issues are being shrunk down into a cartoonish play of good and bad. The most virile and angry messages spreading fast. Actual progress not happening. The truly vile people get to hide in the fog of internet war.

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