'Not good enough': Marcus Rashford condemns free school meal packages | School meals

There are much easier ways of doing that than trashing your entire business to pocket some arguably meager profit on a one off contract though.

There's not even the usual degrees of separation. It's just State -> Chartwells.

Rashford himself on Twitter has even stated that this picture was not a Chartwell's hamper, from his conversation with them. It's also very odd that the Twitter users posting pictures of their hampers are all wildly differing in contents, and they are always splayed out on a table or floor. It's all got a big stink around this.

One of them had a half cut pepper, which is even more baffling as it's more cost to slice a pepper up than it is to drop it in the box.

/r/ukpolitics Thread Parent Link - theguardian.com