Not interested in airlines or Part 121, would 4 checkride failures effect Part 135 prospects?

Plan on a couple more?

Look, I said this in here a year ago so if you’ve read this comment before I apologize. Basically, two failures is when you SERIOUSLY examine what’s going on. We all have bad days but checkride day you need to be on your shit. You need to know what you need to know, fly how you are expected to, sleep as much as you need, and not have more than one alcoholic drink the night before (shocking I know). You absolutely can not get another failure. Something is happening to cause this and I’m thinking it’s either nerves or study skills. One failure, I’d say “gee that guy might have had a dickhead DPE” but two I’m wondering wtf is going on.

Right now the hiring climate is saying you can have 2-3. Do not bank on that. The absolute moment the climate changes, you’re on your ass unless you already have seniority somewhere. If

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