Not a Libertarian, but I have a question that I want this subs input on.

Stefan is a somewhat creepy, pathologically lying, potential cult leader who is in way over his head any time he tries to debate. Just the hypocrisy of using copyright law to silence your critics while making videos about how you oppose copyright law is enough to make anyone scratch their head. He refers to himself as a philosopher on a par with Socrates, and there's plenty of stuff out there of people who have left his little online cult and how he treats them.

As /u/ninjaluvr said, check out his interview on Joe Rogan's podcast. I don't know much about Joe's politics, as he rarely goes into it, but he's a fantastic conversationalist and podcast host, he's pretty sharp guy, and he doesn't let his guests get away with bullshitting, as Stefan attempts to do repeatedly.

Stefan is not an unintelligent man, and he knows how to speak in such a way that the average interviewer can only nod their heads as he goes on and on pontificating, whereas Rogan constantly challenges him, which Stefan doesn't do well with.

Rogan asks him about "defooing", Molyneux denies that he does any such thing, despite his wife having been officially disciplined by the Ontario Board of Psychologists for practicing it, at which point Rogan simply plays a video of Molyneux instructing his followers to "defoo" and calling anyone who doesn't an evildoer and whatnot; Molyneux starts rambling off excuses in a nervous tone. Rogan asks him about his wife and the OBS, Molyneux denies that any such thing happened, Rogan then pulls up the records, and Molyneux digs deeper and deeper. Then, when Rogan brought up the DMCA charges, Molyneux starts playing dumb and pretending he doesn't know what Rogan is talking about, before trying to change the subject. Rogan doesn't let it go.

It's a beautiful little interview.

/r/Libertarian Thread