Not Married DB’s

I was scrolling through the top posts of the month on here and just want to say that you’re describing casual dating more than what most people on here who are unmarried are experiencing. If a couple has been together for 3 months and they aren’t having sex as much as one partner wishes, then sure break up. But many situations are a lot more complicated than that.

I’m in a DB situation with my LL gf, but we’ve been dating for many years now (living together for the last almost 4 years) and her LL stems from a medical issue that came up after many years of a healthy sex life between us. In those years, we both became very entrenched in each other’s lives/families. And besides the DB issue, she’s the perfect girl for me even down to little things like playing video games with me and watching football every Sunday.

You’re being very disingenuous implying that every unmarried relationship is essentially a casual fling that can be tossed away at the first sign of trouble.

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