Do not mess with Time... (spoilers 113) (My solution)

Harry thought to him self, an inner clock counting down from sixty, fifty-nine- fifty-eight. He needed to stall. He needed to think of something. Something the dark lord did not already know. But what? The internal clock was nearing twenty seconds. At ten he spoke, in parseltoung. Wait, I have one more thing to show you. It is not precisely power, but it is useful and you know not of it. It will let you expand your magic, grow it faster than even you will believe. But I cannot tell you. There are no words to tell you how to do it yourself. I need an object from my pouch. The dark lord replied. Swear you will not make an effort to harm me, the girl or any of the death eaters. I promise. I will show you how to become more powerful than you previously thought possible. Voldemort spoke. You may gather your pouch, only take one object from it and before you do tell me what the object is and if it has the potential to harm any of the people here. I will take a coin, it is a focus for what I am about to do, and it has the potential to harm someone, if I were to throw it really hard, that is. Construct yourself a chair, not with too many cushions. May I? You May. Voldemort then addressed his death eaters “ he will reach into his pouch and come out with a coin, if any other object comes out then perform your previous spells. He will walk toward me, it is okay.” He then proceeded to summon a chair, or transfigure it, and sat down, waiting. Harry reached into his pouch and muttered softly, as softly as he could, “coin from moody”. Turning from the pouch he walked slowly toward the dark lord, until the clash between their magics was too great. He walked in a circle around the chair unitll he was very close to where Hermione lay. Harry then addressed Vodemort. In parseltoung, this will not harm you at all, catch it and wait. He then proceeded to toss the coin to the dark lord, slowly so as not to alarm him. He still wanted the defense professor to return, but he knew that was impossible—well not impossible, but very, very, very improbable. Then he spoke to the creature looking back at him. First, open your mind, try to sense everything, hear all, see all, feel all, smell the damp earth, the evening musk, sink into your chair. Now close your eyes, I promise I will do nothing to harm you or any of yours. Breathe, in…out…in…out…long…deep…in…out…in…out. Now imagine the stars keep on breathing: vast, infinite, beautiful, unalterable, all expansive, eternal. Breathe. Your spirit is floating through the stars traveling faster than the speed of light, passing galaxies, nebulas, stars, faster than a supernova, more powerful than a black hole. You are the universe. You are bigger than the universe, expanding faster than it. You realize you can create anything you want. You pour some magic out into a little sphere, feel it leaving your body, it will not harm you. That sphere grows larger, larger still, an additional universe expanding; you pour more magic into it, all of your magic, feel it moving into a separate place away from your body. A new universe that you have created, you push more of your power into it more and more and more and more. You think that is all you have, but you can give more, every drop every subatomic particle of it is pushed into that sphere. Lay the coin in your lap, focus on the coin while retaining the image of the new universe in your head, see the coin in your minds eye, see the magic sphere, more magic than you knew you had in you, more magic than possible in one being. It starts to draw upon you life but you resist it, only magic is in that circle the circle of gold. Hold that image. Hold it and breath, breathe, breathe, you see your magic growing, you are not pushing anything into it, but it is growing larger and larger. Now sit, wait and watch it grow, wait for however long you wish and your power will increase. This was the tricky part, if the dark lord had not realized his plan already then it might succeed. With a small, small, circle of his wand he whispered acio. The coin )footnote1) leapt from the dark lord zooming into Harrys hand where he felt a warm sensation spreading all over his body very rapidly.Right before he muttered the spell he grabed Hermiones hand—and burned out of existence . After an untellable allotment of time, he burned (footnote2) into professor magongals office where she was sitting at her desk. With a shriek she jumped out of her chair, startled at the sight of a completely naked Harry bursting with flame into existence. Back at the graveyard Vodemort Shrieked, loud and high and heartless, but most importantly, magicless. (footnote1)The coin, as an explanation, was given to harry by Mad Eye Moody—the coin, enchanted by Albus dumbldore, himself, and Snape has multiple layers of magics to hide the fact that magics are on it. Together they all cast spells to contain a great deal of power from a wizard who had wanted to store it permanently there. Once stored in the coin however, it could not be regained (a permanent sacrifice, like the unbreakable vow, or if the plot needs to keep going, it could only take all of his magic at the moment that he would need to recover for days from expending?). Albus, additionally enchanted it with a teleportation charm he invented, it uses fauxes feather and imbues whatever it is cast upon a one time teleportation from anywhere to anywhere (constricted by the laws of phoenix transportation). So, Voldemort willingly put all of his magic into the coin, thinking it would grow, but Harry captured it, summoned it, and before the dark lord realized what happened, teleported to professor magonogals office. (Footnote2)I was imaging a similar feel to a phoenix transportation.

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