‘This. Is. Not. Okay’: Legal Experts Say Roger Stone’s Judge-Crosshairs Stunt Could Land Him Behind Bars

Leaving the bullseye in is not automatically, inarguably threatening. The symbol looks like it's part of some kind of label that runs behind her head or something, and does not overlap her head. It may be threatening, but the image by itself leaves room for argument. If it didn't, then you probably would not have made an argument yourself in favor of it being threatening.

I don't want to hear any bullshit about how it's not a threat;

People who argue reasonably about such things include the judge who is allegedly being threatened here. If you have a problem with this kind of argument, then maybe you should have posted the image yourself, but with the crosshairs placed directly upon her head.

/r/politics Thread Parent Link - lawandcrime.com