"Do not play Ranked on Sunday."

OP is a lying faggot. his name is "blunt bruiser" on EUW, which he recently namechanged from linnmon, probably to cover his lies for this thread specifically, and to keep people from calling him on his shitposts in general on this subreddit. sadly the power of reddit detectives is too great for your pathetic efforts and deception, op

http://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=blunt+bruiser his match history

>First game: I was third pick and last pick said "Mid". I picked Zed anyway and he says "Ok, np I go top". He picks Aatrox and once we are in the game he goes mid, starts feeding, and only buys tears of the goddess. He tricked us so nooone would dodge to then fuck the game for everyone. Kudos for that, that is just plain evil.

http://puu.sh/esd4p/4e4326b289.png this did happen, but wait... http://puu.sh/esd3p/da6fbd8ff7.jpg it was a normal! OP's a faggot liar!

>Second game: I was last pick, I said I'd fill. First pick picks Ahri, and third pick, for some reason, doesn't trust in Ahri and goes Nidalee and goes mid. At one point Ahri gets angry for not getting cs and goes afk. Neat.

this did not happen. OP does not have a match with nidalee + ahri for allies in the past week. OP's a faggot liar!

>Third game: I pick jungle Gragas and this top Rengar doesn't beleive in viability, and before giving me a chance, gives 3 kills to Fiora and goes afk. At this moment I'm not even mad, I'm amazed.

Nope. didn't happen. i see a bit of jungle gragas on your match history, but it's all normals with 4+ man premades and no raging rengars or rengars at all in sight. OP's a lying faggot

>4th game: The Soraka in my team goes afk during laning phase because he didn't like our Ezreal, saying he couldn't hit q's. That Ezreal was me. I wasn't even aiming for the poke, I was securing cs.

only ezreal in OP's match history is a win in normals 7 days ago. the soraka in question probably didn't care at all about OP's csing, since she seems to afk/sandbag most of her matches: http://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=TheHotchmonster So this is another flaming lie by OP the faggot

in conclusion, OP's post is almost completely fiction. he pulled most of it out of his ass with a few random details taken from the Normal matches he played recently. his ranked record with jungle gragas is 4-6 k/d with 1-2 w/l, and he is silver 3, not silver 2

/r/leagueoflegends Thread