why is "not playing for the win" not a report worthy offense in OW competitive?

By calling them bad

I never called anyone "bad", in fact I stated multiple times that I -in fact- have absolute no problem with people being "bad" as long as they are trying.

The one thing I have a problem with is people not trying in the first place and this is the only thing this topic is about.

bitching on the forums you’re the problem.

So trying to have a constructive discussion is "bitching" now. TIL.

Have you ever considered you may very well be contributing or do you really think your play is perfect?

every game, I'm aware I make mistakes and I to improve.

If this is happening game after game than it is partially you.

where did I say it would happen game after game?

Start checking their win rates if they have a public profile and really see how they play.

haven't come across a public profile in ages.

/r/OverwatchUniversity Thread Parent