This was not satire. There were more slides which basically said "thinking that incest is abnormal is racist and fascist" and stuff

Even though this is probably satire, I had a lot of problems with that. My sister is probably my best friend, and when I realized that I loved her a couple years ago, I fell into depression. It got so bad, I cut my wrists so that I could be done with that. My sister saved me though and I thank her for that. I beat myself the fuck up for this shit, and only a week ago did I get the courage to tell her about my feelings. I was incredibly scared that she would judge and ostracize me, but she didn't. She was chill about it, and gave me advice.

It was incredibly scary dude. I felt really alone, and I couldn't really talk about to anyone. Until I found the r/incest subreddit, and I could get advice to how to deal with it. They were the ones I trusted wouldn't hate me, and they were the ones encouraged me to tell her. I thank them for that.

/r/Cringetopia Thread Link -