This is not skill-based-matchmaking. It's performance-based-matchmaking, and it's a deeply insidious design.

I did have something of merit to say and I did have a point. First of all, the post is incredibly wordy to get a simple point across. In his opinion the current matchmaking system is bad because there is no way of telling whether one is improving or not. Hell, the op goes even further to state that under current system there is no way to improve as a player.

The first point can be chalked up to be a matter of taste but his second point is an incredibly hot take that has no proof. In fact, if we just think logically for even one second, we could figure out that the point itself is completely ludicrous. There is far more evidence that people will improve at anything, if they just spend time doing it. There will always be walls that are hit or even moments, where the improvement will be minimal but there will be improvement.

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