It's not slut shaming to be honest about how you lose attraction to a woman upon knowing she's had a lot of sexual partners.

It's not the same thing because it the underlying concept is a different one. The biblical concept of a woman being pure if she is still a virgin comes from a book that someone wrote thousands of years ago. That's it. My argument is not tied to ANY traditional or religious views but purely based on the traits that such a sexually hyper-active person shows. You can't mix those up because they are similar in certain aspects. The base concept is still entirely different.

Woman's worth is determined by her sexual history first. As if all we are is a warm place to put it. Not a woman's worth but rather a woman's worth when it comes to relationships and settling down.

Also don't interpret too much into the examples I gave (fraud, theft, murder and so on). Those were examples of other areas in your life where the past DOES affect present matters. You could just as well exchange it with other examples.

Would you marry a guy that has been divorced twice because he got caught cheating on both his ex-wives? No, because he's a cheater, he's a bad person and you're setting yourself up for failure. Would a company hire a guy that has had ten different jobs in the last 2 years and cannot seem to keep a job longer than three to four months? They sure as hell will take that factor into consideration. Those are just two examples for things that are not of criminal nature and can still impact the future a lot.

Every person on this earth is free to engage in sexual activity with as many other individuals as they please. This is not the issue - to each their own. The problem is the recent trend that you cannot hold a woman (or man) accountable for their behavior and decisions they make. You're not allowed to think badly of it and everybody wants you to give them a free pass by default. How dare you if you don't. Actions have consequences. Having sex with a lot of men OR women has consequences too. It goes both ways, but the reason why it's not as big of an issue for men is because women are effectively the gatekeepers of sex. They choose their partners. Very few men have the same privilege. And this is not unfair treatment to one of the sexes because women and men are wired differently and you can't hold them both by the same standards.

Will a woman's partner count affect your possible relationship negatively? Maybe. Maybe not. It sure as hell won't do it any good though. You can't blame men for choosing the girl that has been very selective of her sexual partners over the girl that has been living half her life carelessly jumping from one bed into the other.

/r/MensRights Thread