You do not want to be a sociopath.

Great post. I laughed at the stupid dark triad posts. They have no idea how much it sucks. I do consider myself to have sociopathic tendencies....and I hate it. Sometimes I just don't feel anything...for anyone...not even when I having sex. It's like just hitting meat. And I want to feel. I really do. I want to feel what is like to be nervous around women, what is like to be feel butterflies. I don't feel that shit and I never understood it. Yet I do love my girlfriend. I trust her and she makes me happy but some weeks. I just don't care. I almost broke up with her this week for nothing...but she cares a lot about. It's like parents I never had. I have horrible relations with my parents and siblings. I am 22 and I constantly think about killing them. They abused me, but I am 22 now and I work and have a life. But it haunts me. I have random induced rage fits...because of this I have being fired of many jobs. I want to calm and peaceful. I read a lot of Buddhism and to forgive but every day I get the homicidal thoughts. I remember when I dad use to beat me and my mom use to scream at me and burn me. But all is in the past. I wish I was normal.

/r/TheRedPill Thread