not sure how to keep going

1) you are sane. 2) you’ve come a long way be proud of yourself. Keep going. Understand you are allowed to miss someone, especially if you had formed a bond with them. We are humans not robots its completely fine. We will never forgot people we come across when memories are made, it’s life. You’ll always remember. There could be some unhealed trauma from the past, maybe your inner child or something from within that is not allowing you to want better or to look at the bigger picture. It’s good you’re seeing a therapist, maybe they’ll help you uncover that very thing. Remember healing isn’t linear, some days are great others are sh*t. But it’s a part of the process. It might not seem like it now but you’ll look back one day proud, and think ‘wow I did’. Keep focusing on yourself, read some books, stay healthy, try to go out. View yourself as a ‘prize’ someone worthy of genuine love. Someone who deserves to be respected, and in a healthy relationship. You attract what you believe you deserve. Now Be excited for that post break up glow up!! Wishing you all the best x

/r/BreakUps Thread