Not sure how to talk about my [30M] issues with our relationship [30 F]. Afraid of what it might mean.

Thank you for your reply. I was getting a little down as I saw every post around mine with multiple responses and this one with none...

I think, if for no other reason than clearing my conscience and for her sake, I need to state that she's not slow, and I'm absolutely ashamed I wrote that; she just doesn't always think before doing. In that same vein, one of the reasons I started dating her, despite these issues, was the fact that I felt like I needed to grow as a person and that it would be short sighted of me to not engage in her positive qualities and that maybe I was being arrogant. What did I know about someone, sort of thing; and I'm very glad I did, I regret none of it... I know you don't need to know any of that, so thanks for bearing with me there.

But thank you for the outside perspective... I think you're right that I just need, ultimately, to have a really tough conversation with her. I think I still want to try and make things work, but I think she also needs to know. There's just no other way around it now. Otherwise, I'm just in very few words, leading her on.

What's worse, is that I feel like I've only actually figured out these specifics when I was going through the process of writing this (there were multiple, multiple drafts before posting). I think prior to this, these same intuitions were framed a lot differently in my head, or rather, were pinned to differnt issues using different language. What I was originally going to speak with her about, were actually less weighted things. I also feel really guilty about putting this out in the open before even speaking with her about it, but I think I needed some outside input.

Well, thank you again for your considered response. Hopefully, our relationship is robust enough to make it through this sort of conversation. I know I'm not looking forward to it.

/r/relationships Thread