Not sure if current job is trying to make me quit or give me a promotion?

Yeah, I don’t think meetings that HR sits in on are good news. To be honest, as a supervisor, I was already cringing through your explanations and excuses. It sucks to put in extra hours you weren’t anticipating and bad on them for not being transparent with you at the start, but at least you’re hourly. I’m on salary and if I have to work extra hours, I just have to do it. No extra compensation. For my employees, I want someone who is going to come in and do the work I need without complaining. I understand your side of it but I see it from your manager’s side too. The people I want to promote are the ones staying late, covering shifts, doing their work competently and quickly. Sounds like this job isn’t a good fit. Good luck with your job search!

/r/careerguidance Thread