Not sure if this goes here but feels right

The only time talking about work ethic matters is if you are talking about people's ability to better themselves when nobody is forcing them to.

No, that's not even what I'm talking about. I've worked with people who literally come into the job with an attitude that they are "too good" for the job because of their education. So what happens is that they end up slacking as much as humanly possible while their innocent (and less educated) co workers are forced to pick up their slack and make up for their lack of work ethic. These are the same people who won't do a single fucking thing without being asked, and then they put off a negative attitude because they're actually being asked to work hard (but muh college degree??!!). News flash, having a fucking college degree doesn't give you a certificate to be a worthless asshole because you think every job is beneath you. It doesn't give you a "get out of hard work" free card.

I've worked with plenty of these people at a company that very much rewards hard work via internal promotion. The good news about this is that people like me -- with no education -- are highly rewarded for our work ethic, while people who are "too good to do anything" are constantly switching jobs trying to find happiness that they cannot find from themselves.

So yeah, work ethic matters. I don't feel superior by saying it, I'm just simply stating a fact that I've learned after working with many people who didn't deserve the fucking job. Give me a high school dropout who wants to LEARN and EARN, the arrogant assholes with the degrees can go work for... Google or something. Go work in a circle jerk environment where you can pat each other on the back for not being a "sweaty working class" worker lol.

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