Not sure if I need an exorcism or if I need to give a ring to 2 hobbits...

"Not sure if I need an exorcism..." or just a science lesson.

Don't panic, just yet. It would appear that divine intervention will not be necessary in this particular situation you are facing in your home. I can explain.

You see, it appears that the glass plate on the right side of this photograph is scattering and distorting incoming, low-angle, wavelengths from the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum (within the visible band frequencies).

The scattering effect appears to have been achieved due to frosting and etching applied to the glass plate, for primitive artistic effect.

Given that the incoming light, which originates from a nearby star, most likely Sol (or more commonly known as "The Sun", assuming you took this photo on planet Earth), is dominated by distinct orange/red frequencies, also further implies that the photo was likely taken at sunset, or sunrise.

As a brief SIDE NOTE:

it is worth noting that the original photonic energy projecting this seemingly glowing EM-light based effect, upon the left side panel, is produced through the thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium, near the core of the nearby star (Sun).

Because the Sun is so dense, nearest it's core, it actually takes light/energy produced by that thermonuclear reaction about 100,000 years, to migrate and bounce it's way around from the center, to the surface of the sun.

During that 100,000 year journey, it is absorbed, and re-emitted by countless atoms along the way.

But the moment it reaches the surface of the sun, it then streams/speeds along, through mostly empty space, at 186,000 miles per second, until it finally slams into Earth's atmosphere, and the glass plate on the right side of this photo.

This also leads to a further interesting side line question:

Does the science of how this image is produced detract to the artistic perceptions of what is happening... or only add to, and enhance your artistic perception?

But yes... In short...

Now that you know:

The resulting projection this solar-powered process produces upon the left side panel, should no longer raise your emotional fear levels, nor should it enhance your adrenaline emotional response, leading you to believe it is a multidimensional portal, or a fiery representation of evil spirits, necessitating interventions of a shaman/priest.

Likewise, that scientific knowledge of how this occurs, may also not take away from the entire artistic process, but perhaps serve to further enhance the artistry and magic of this moment depicted in this photograph.

/r/funny Thread Link -