Not sure what's more ancient

I know three people who still use ancient flip phones. They are just impossible creatures, I don't know how they function, I don't know how they don't see the value in a smartphone.

When smartphones first came out, I scoffed at them, saying "phones are for phone calls, what the fuck is all this shit we don't need?" But when I caught myself buying a GPS for $200, a point and shoot camera for $200, an mp3 player, a TI-83, etc - I figured it out pretty quickly - smartphones are worth the money.

I've always been a sci-fi fan, so looking around the world today is super cool for me because everybody has these skinny little slabs of interconnected omniscient computers in their pockets.

But then there are these outliers - clinging to their clamshells. They explain to me that they are getting a smartrphone soon, but they've been saying that for years now. Also, almost every senior citizen I see has a fucking smartphone. This is insane that there are people (with plenty of money) who don't have one! I can't wrap my head around it.

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