Note From A New Subscriber With Questions For The Community

why are you here?

A lot of reasons. Mostly a blind hope that if I try to make arguments against misleading information like I did in my original comment, some of you will see other views, and understand how something like a political compass website would be misleading, and not be as influenced by it. Over time seeing how many such things can be misleading and seeing other arguments on policy proposals will lead some people to hold more reasonable views. A process not unlike that is what led me to dislike Bernie Sanders.

Also, how are you a victim? You have barged into an Open House, knocked over the top shelf liquor, grabbed the karaoke mike, made an ass of yourself, and are now standing in the middle of the room in your booze and vomit-stained shirt, complaining that the hosts don't like you. It's true, I don't like you. And yet unlike r/neoliberalism,

In this thread I commented a reasonable argument, and you responded to it by avoiding the entire argument I had made and making up lies about me to discredit the argument.

Are all these deceitful comments here being made so that when the Reddit administrators investigate you for your brigading, you can point here and try to present yourself as a victim? Because just the trail of slime you've left here will probably make a different impression on them than you seem to realize.

What? I made one comment on a discussion thread encouraging people to comment on another post in the same subreddit. I'm not going to get in trouble for it, it wasn't unethical, and I continue to not be apart of a giant soros brigading conspiracy. I just comment memes on /r/neoliberal sometimes.

/r/WayOfTheBern Thread Parent