Note: this would have to be given away as a promotional card due to its P2W nature.

Isn't this card overpowered with [[Drakkari Enchanter]]? 7 card combos are not that bad in Wild and this card only requires 5: it itself, [[Empereor Thaurissan]], 2x[Drakkari Enchanter] and [[Highkeeper Ra]].

Just play it with [[Kingsbane]], which will single-handedly complete the requirement. Using [[Sn1p-Sn4p]] and [[Brightwing]] and especially [[Bloodmage Thalnos]] will speed it up to being viable.

As for standard, draw your entire deck with [[Overflow]], do the [[Elise the Enlightened]] and [[Flobbidinous Floop]] thing. Bloodmage Thalnos, [[Wardruid Loki]], Sn1p-Sn4p, Zilliax, and Brightwing will make it happen much sooner, being enough to complete this requirement on their own in case your up against aggro.

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