
This is the internet. Have you seen all the exmo sub posts about the opposition? Have you browsed the comments of the youtube videos of the event? Everyone is having a heyday over it. Plenty of jokes and memes towards us, our leaders, and the way President Uchtdorf handled it to go around.

But of course the pro-faith aren't allowed to jab back, make jokes, or express their disappointed or frustrated opinions about it. If we do, we're being overly sensitive and offensive. When we do it, it just becomes a new discussion ground where the top comments are from Exmormons complaining about how offensive we're being. Do you have any idea how it would go if I went to a similar post in the exmo sub stating how tactless their posts are? Yeah, downvoted to the negatives. But when they do it here, they're heralded as the champions of equality.

But, you know, we're Mormon so we're supposed to just turn the other cheek, and are made out to be the bad guys no matter where we are on the internet, even /r/latterydaysaints.

Anyways, I thought this post was humorous. I certainly didn't take it anywhere nearly as seriously as the offended are making it out to be. The joke presented here has a dismissive and somewhat derogatory tone to it, yes, but to be honest, its message is kind of how I feel about the whole ordeal anyways. People are going to oppose and, well, the Church is going to keep moving forward anyways. I mean what did they really expect? That every time someone does this they're going to get a private audience with a prophet?

People appose the prophets all the time in both public and private. People who disagree with the Church where Christ stands as head aren't really going to change anything by their opposition to the men Christ appointed to help lead us. The guys who did this today were just trying to make a spectacle out of it. Nothing really new to see here.

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