"Nothing Comes from Nothing"— A Plainly False Principle?

I have always considered it to be a deepity. That is, it is ill-formed. Fundamentally there is no such thing as nothing. All functional nothings are something in that they are relative nature to something.

When I hear the phrase it seems without failing that what is being expressed is that something came from something, which, generally speaking is 'self-evident' when discussing "things" as constituents of 'everything' normally what is called the 'universe' (including multiverse etc).

To ask if the universe came from something is again ill-formed to me. It doesn't make any sense as a question. Why would we think the universe came to be instead of just being. Both are philosophical dead ends leading to nonsense how can everything come from nothing. How could everything not have come from something. We don't like not having an answer to questions that seem to intuitively make sense to ask but when it comes to whether or not the universe simply exists or "came from nothing" is nonsensical.

/r/askphilosophy Thread