Nothing else puts a smile on Colonel Grandma's face!

Doesn't change what I am saying. I know they are Hindu numerals, but they were introduced to the West by a man named Muhammad. That's the big thing. Also, that same man invented algebra. Without those two contributions to the West, imagine how different our lives would be. All the formulas and algebra that go into our computers would be gone (until someone else invented it).

Also, another Muslim is credited with an invention that would later lead to both the steam engine and the internal combustion engine; two inventions that shaped the west immensely.

The crankshaft described by al-Jazari[13][14] transforms continuous rotary motion into a linear reciprocating motion,[15] and is central to modern machinery such as the steam engine, internal combustion engine and automatic controls.[14][16]

And finally, coffee was invented by Muslims, and without that, I'm pretty sure the world would fail. Also, I bet Grandma has drinken coffee before.

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