Nothing is fucking working.

Just to clarify, are you trying to get an output something like this (not an identical example, but I just want to see it I understand what you are getting at)?

employees = [("Bob", "60000", "2019"), ("Bob", "61000", "2020"), ("Jane", "61000", "2020")]

choice = 4

if(choice == 4):
    Index = 0
    Salary_Dict = {}
    Distinct_Employee_List = []
    while(Index < len(employees)):
        Current_Employee = employees[Index][0]
        if(Current_Employee in Salary_Dict):
            Salary_Dict[Current_Employee] += int(employees[Index][1])
            Salary_Dict[Current_Employee] = int(employees[Index][1])
        Index += 1
    for Distinct_Employee in Distinct_Employee_List:
        print("Total for", Distinct_Employee, "is:", Salary_Dict[Distinct_Employee]) 

# Print statement cut off by margin, should be all on one line

If you run this in a Jupyter notebook it should aggregate for each employee.

/r/learnpython Thread