Nothing makes me want to puke quite like "it gets better"

Not true.

Having someone tell you that things will get better is very different to actually believing within yourself that things will improve. Positive self-talk and the like is also much easier said than done, it's not really as simple as just suddenly changing your mindset. I can only speak from my experience, but any time I've not wanted someone to simply lazily say that things will get better it hasn't been about me 'loving' staying the way I am. Depression is fucking horrible. I certainly do not love it, and never have. It's been about me absolutely not believing that this is true, and their words being obviously disingenuous and flippant. As I mentioned in an earlier comment, there have been two occasions in my life when people have said that and I've appreciated it. Both times they were by people I know and trust, and there was a lot of history and context that made their words mean something to me. It's not the same when coming from some internet stranger.

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