I noticed I start feeling anxious/nervous when someone close to me gets frustrated or angry (even when it’s not because of me)

Yes, all the time. My partner is an amazing and supportive person, but a lot of things they do (that are totally normal) trigger me. He comes from a family of loud talkers and he can also get quite loud when telling a story. When they get loud it makes me so physically uncomfortable, even if the story is funny and not at all negative. When he gets frustrated by something work-related and I hear him in the other room huffing and puffing (we both WFH) I get so anxious immediately. It has nothing to do with me and I immediately feel so stressed and want to fix the problem. He also does this thing where he jokingly mocks a certain mean politician out loud by mimicking them, and it has nothing to do with me but I have recently had to tell him that even though I know he is joking and it has nothing to do with me it still makes me feel uncomfortable as if he is saying it to/about me. To someone who doesn't have cptsd I'm sure he thinks I'm just being sensitive/don't get the joke but all of these otherwise normal things create a physical response in me that I'm sure is from my childhood.

/r/CPTSD Thread