Noticed this when I first went on it

Can you give examples of units that have horrendously bad or gimmicky builds that is deemed by this sub ineffective or worthless? If we can't rely on how they give advices to each of the skills/seals being listed, what can we? Unit builder? Discord? Ask in here each and every unit I want to build or invest to? Learn and git gud fast in the game while still stuck in arena t18? So I'll be forced to comply with all these instead of looking at gamepress "recommended" builds? I can't even reconsider what's in the slashes (A/B/C skill - where you use A with noontime, B with Aether, etc), I won't listen as to how they give points on movement-type advantages?


Why the hard "don't" listen? What then? TO BE QUITE HONEST JUST SAYING DON'T LISTEN TO THEM IS STRESSING ME ON A WHOLE NEW LEVEL. Vantage Leif or PP-Phase Leif, etc. so I don't listen to this varietal builds and have to ideally make my own custom build that complements my team, but as a newbie what do I even know as a vantage point or where to start? Do I instantly know the strengths and quirks of my whole roster that I'll be able to discern what role a unit should have, and from there assess the role of the next unit in team, and so on and so forth? I don't have to listen to gamepress because every unit caters to a distinct role the player ascribes onto it? I won't listen to their AR tier list because all those units should perform differently based on team structure, and I'm better having my faves get pitted against the current oppressive meta?

Or you all will usher me to devote myself on skill studies instead, which is obnoxious as hell to do and requires strict rules I'm not really having fun with?

Or it's actually not "don't listen", but choose what will guide you better? If so, which is which? It hurts to be a bit more transparent instead of generically saying an advice to not follow other advices?

I think I snapped and it's ok to downvote me but SERIOUSLY, just saying DON'T LISTEN then not drop at least a hint of what parts or sections should I be wary to is just...


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