Now you can deconstruct anything anywhere with the new Deconstruct Assistent Giladil

Spending crowns on something that saves play time wasted is one of the few things that makes sense to spend crowns on above anything else in the crown store.

A year sub to eso+ is 140 dollars. You get 21k in crowns. First thing I did was buy a bank and merchant assistant. Why? Because it allows me to have to travel back and forth less, which means less play time interrupted. I can get more done that I want to get done. That's absolutely worth the 10k of crowns I got with my sub.

When this comes out, it's an insta buy for me. Why? Because it will definitely save me more time. One of the main things that has me going back to town or my main house with the crafting stations is having to decon stuff in my bank and inventory to make more space.

I loot everything. I don't care if it seems like trash, I loot it. I don't care if it's worth 2 gold at a merchant and worthless at a guild trader. I take it. I will sell it to the merchant or if it's something I can decon, I'll decon it. Maybe I'll get a mat out of it.

So for me, this is awesome and totally worth the crowns. Much more so than a mount or a costume or whatever else they sell on there.

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