Now I'm mad

Believe whatever you like, it sounds like you will all believe anything you are told ..

I just know the case well because of videos I’ve watched, read all the main documents and can see how it all got misconstrued and it became quickly politicized and about his race...

How many cases like this where much worse things happen, like the girls in Rotherham UK and you will never know the names of the men who did it? But this kid the whole world knows his name. How many other “rapists” names do you know? I mean, look at the Epstein stuff he was protected for years. But this kid is bad? Haha

I used to take this stuff at face value, when you start digging deeper and find the bullshit it makes you skeptical, so you tend not to believe everything that the media says. I wouldn’t believe anything they said anymore.

Go watch the latest Mouthy Bhudda video on YouTube.

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