Now why would LGBT-People hate an alt-right influencer?

Have you ever heard of the rhetorical appeal; choosing the lesser evil? I can at most... hypothesize that is what you attempt here. Is that indeed what you’re trying to communicate? If so, I have a retort, I choose no evil, instead I choose chaotic good, I watch... videogamedunkey. Haha

Also... just to clarify for you...having no respect for someone is not the same as denying their life.

They lived, they exist, that’s not being argued. Whether they should be respected or not is a separate matter.

Pewdiepie is riding the exact audience that “current” youtubers (you criticized) do, young impressionable audiences of children left to gestate and grow in front of YouTube videos. As adjusted adults, we have no obligation to entertain his methods. Free will, n all that.

You should stop practicing “irrelevant conclusions” that is an ineffective strategy because as you grow older... people may mistaken your behavior for early signs of dementia.

You would, in their perspective.. miss the point of conversations... lose reference of actual cause-effect changes in society... lose the respect of your actually informed peers... and go off in barely related tangents.

/r/SelfAwarewolves Thread Parent Link -