Now, this is would be suberting expectations the right way.

Idk, I kinda hate how hard they leaned into the idea that Finn was a coward. Having PTSD and not wanting to fight insurmountable odds alongside a faction of incompetents doesn't make him a coward. The man goes on obstensibly a suicide mission in TFA to rescue Rey. He isn't afraid to fight. He just isn't interested in fighting what he considers to be a lost cause.

Finn slamming his speeder into the laser cannon would've been entirely in line with who he had been pretty much the entire time, but they needed to establish that he'd come to have this level of investment in the resistance, that he'd come to care. Instead TLJ seems to be under the impression that what Finn needs to learn is that there are bad, bad men out there and they have to be stopped. Which is, like... yeah, he knows. He always fucking knew, Rose.

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