NRA Acknowledges Receiving Foreign Funds, Moving Money Between Accounts

This is a good point but at the same time I wanna know how long Russia's long game really is.. in a few ways it seems short-sighted. Like you said, there's divisiveness and chaos you can sow that benefits Russia while its divided and chaotic but leads to likely outcomes Russia wouldn't be happy with -- for example a bolstered, active American left wing and "blue wave" catalyzed by the boldly egregious nature of the Trump administration. Newly elected officials ready and willing to get tough on Russia at the behest of their disillusioned constituents. There's this sort of elasticity to the bands Russia keeps pulling on, that look like they'll snap back and hit Putin in the eye.

It's either short sighted, even blunderous, or 4D chess I can't even conceive of.

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