NSA Chief Admits Donald Trump Colluded with Russia

I can confirm on my background that John Schindler is lying. There was no global town hall recently (this is a thing but Adm Rogers would not talk about an ECI-protected investigation to the entire enterprise) and his Twitter feed is generally full of shit. He's a bored, retired keyboard warrior without any real contacts, and I'm personally 90% convinced he's recycling bullshit with Louise Mensch and Clause Taylor using alt accounts.

However, I can confirm (even as a non-Ru analyst) that SIGINT/cyber efforts exists showing: A) that GRU is 100% Guccifer2.0/WL's source and was behind the DNC exploitation ("muh FBI didn't even get to see servers"...you don't have to see their physical servers if you can see every transaction coming in and out of the US.thinkingguy.meme), we could debunk Seth Rich theories overnight if we wanted to burn a pretty damning source in terms of access we have to Russian secure networks (it would be 'Ru nationalists on suicide watch' if it was publicly dislosed how fucked their industries and Intel agencies are, your taxpayer money/the tools we have access to don't go to waste), B) there are Russian officials, intelligence workers, and oligarchs who have discussed existence and strengthening of collusion with US persons in relation to generally aiding the Trump campaign and presidency, C) there is fresh reporting to this day on further Ru efforts to compromise all Western politicians thru cyber means, and D) despite some dumbass crackpot theory from a Trumpista I saw on roddit saying "Rogers is akshyually fighting the Deep State and will bury this Russia nonsense", Adm Rogers has not only made sure Ru analysts are protected and get every resource they need, he stood up a special op just to redouble on anything US-related in terms of Russian intelligence activity.

Again, this is just what an East Asia analyst with baseline access to Russia reporting sees, I can only imagine the stuff gets more damning the more it gets into ECI/controlled investigation access territory. Hell, I don't even feel too bad talking about any of this because all four of these points have been more or less discussed at the Congressional hearings involving Adm Rogers. I'm just trying to reinforce that you have to mind your sources when it comes to weirdos like John and that the MAGApedes are not in for a good time over the next year if they really want to continue to religiously believe there's no alternative besides "Seth Rich and Obama will got locked up soon".

/r/politics Thread Parent Link - observer.com