*(NSFL)* Raped her mother

No worries! And I agree with you as well! My thought process is that If someone is know to rape a certain sex, whether male/female they should be in a prison that doesnt have that sex, even if that would mean a cis women could be in a boy jail, or a cis man in a girl jail, and even then, they shouldnt be sharing a cell with someone and should have an eye kept on them specifically so that them being in the opposite jail or whatever doesnt cause harm to them

((Note: I don’t know what you would do with someone who likes both guys and girls. Maybe just keep em in a seperate block of the jail? Idk))

((And I know that I said I wouldnt reply so we wouldnt cause an argument, but I just wanted to let you know that I agree with you, and even add onto that. I didnt want you to think im aright with a rapist being in the same jail as the sex of their victims haha))

/r/NoahGetTheBoat Thread Parent Link - theblaze.com