NSFW Bystander confronts man for assaulting a Vancouver homeless person

You are an extremist right wing wack job. That is why you are get downvoted.

Lmao all of my posts are upvoted, except for my last few which are at 0, because the only person that read them and downvoted me was yourself. It's funny how you keep bringing up downvotes, when in your last post you claimed not to care. Thanks for proving my point that you care much more about karma than I do lmao.

People who actually think Rand is sensible

I am assuming that you are mentioning Rand because you went through my comment history to try and dig up anything you can. Which is fucking hysterical because it PROVES how much more you care about this argument than I do bahahahahahaha

Firstly, it's very showing when you don't have anything to say about the argument at hand and try to look into a person's history to defame their character.

Secondly, I don't have any posts in my post history defending Rand, any of her philosophies or policies, or any right-wing politics whatsoever. I am in fact quite liberal, and have many posts on this site about my liberal view points. The only post I have about Rand is from an /r/justiceporn thread, in which I mentioned that the post reminded me of an event which occured in a book written by Rand. You clearly do not know this, because you are a parrot. You have not read the book in question, and do not understand the context in which I brought up the book, but you parrot these opinions of Rand that you have heard because you do not formulate your own opinions. I have read thousands of books, including ones which disagree with my personal ideologies, because I am not a close minded child such as yourself. Just because I refer to events from a novel, does not mean I agree with all of the content of the novel, or with what the author thinks.

So, now that I have that out of the way, let me get back to laughing at you. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA you silly child. You lose the argument against me, throwing insults and trying to call me angry even as I actively laugh in your face. And then, since you are out of anything to say, you try to smear my character, in a way that makes NO sense because I am not right wing.

Your tears of impotent rage are almost as amusing as your desperate projection of your own failings onto others. Yet another thing that is so utterly the same with all you insane terrorists that it might as well be a badge of identification. What will you think of next! Your imagination is quite vivid. To bad you are so disconnected from reality that it isn't even a distant glow on your horizon. Give me a shout when your testicles finally descend and you move out of your mother's basement please.

Wow, I may have to frame this. This, while barely even coherent, is one of the funniest things I have ever read on this site. I have never seen anyone lose an argument and devolve into name calling and anger as quickly as you have here. You just called me a terrorist, because you lost an argument on the internet. 10/10, would laugh at you again.

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