[NSFW] I can think of a few candidate moves I'd like to try, but in all honesty is probably spend all my time adjusting my pieces

I spent a long time looking at this photo, and then decided to check out the board to see what's going on there. This is the position as best I can make it out: https://lichess.org/analysis/5rk1/6pp/p4p1n/bpP5/3qP1BP/1P1P2PK/P7/R2Q1R2_b_-_-_0_1 . White is +6.5, best move for black is g6, followed closely by Rd8 which is presumably the move being played, and then Kh8.

White has a few pawns obscured by pieces, but I'm pretty confident I got that position right. For black, I have one pawn unaccounted for because white has only captured 2 but I could only find 5 in the picture.

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