(nsfw?) does anyone else get those really painful cysts on their labia ???

They’re Bartholin cysts.

Hot compresses work for me. I also sometimes use a salt compress on them because it makes it come to a head really quickly. Mine always burst on their own within 4 days and aren’t that bad for me these days. The relief is immediate for me when they burst, but there can be lots of blood. I used to get them the size of chicken’s eggs and couldn’t walk.

You can also see a doctor and they can drain it for you. It’s much less painful, but much more expensive that way. My doctor always tells me it’s fine if they burst on their own.

If you have recurring ones, there’s a little tube thing they can install to help it drain. You can also have the Bartholin Gland removed.

Since this is a cyst in your Bartholin gland, the gland that produces natural lubrication for sex, most doctors try to help you avoid removing the gland.

/r/TheGirlSurvivalGuide Thread