NSFW: Keep getting body triggers while being intimate with SO.

Mcthemick is right, communication is what will solve this. With that being said, I'd absolutely reaffirm that you have zero obligation to share more than you're comfortable sharing and your partner needs to do a better job at respecting your boundaries.

I can understand your partner's perspective; I might catch myself feeling the same kind of anxiety if I were in their shoes. The issue here is that they put their anxiety on you, and as a result, don't respect your boundaries.

I'll admit I've done this to one of my partners years ago and now know that I was in the wrong - I felt anxious that they didn't love me because they didn't want to be hugged for whatever reason - my love language is physical touch so it hurt, brought up some of my own past trauma, and I felt very anxious when I was denied that. My anxiety is for me and only me to deal with on my own, same as your partner, and I wish I learned that lesson sooner.

For what its worth, here's my advice. However you communicate best, whether it's by sitting down for a chat or writing down your thoughts and giving that to them, tell your partner, firmly and in no uncertain terms, that you can not be touched sometimes because of past trauma, only go into the details you're comfortable sharing, and again, it's ok to not give them any details if you don't want to.

Tell them that you not wanting to be touched has nothing to do with them, that you understand they want to try and help by providing you with comfort in the way they know how - by holding you - but for you, that won't help, it is actually detremential, and that you'll let them know when you're okay with physical contact again.

It's their responsibility to reassure themselves that you still love them despite you not wanting to be held. If that's not something they can do, you'll have to decide if it's a deal breaker for you or not

Best of luck

/r/ptsd Thread