NSFW. let's share your first sex experience (include the context and maybe your outlook about sex). buat kalian2 yang perawan, bisa share expectacy kalian utk sex perdana kalian nantinya. no kids under 18, plz. no judgement either. klo mo protes soal agama/budaya/wtf, skip post ini.

Uhhh jadi i had my first kiss with a friend a few months before I had sex for the first time. Like a full out make out sesh but we didn't go further. It was some kind of sexual awakening I guess? He was a pretty close friend and I became very awkward about it and wanted to stay away from everyone who knows both him and me, tp waktu itu kalo nongkrong selalu ramean, I just wasn't comfortable hanging out with my friends anymore.
And then there is this person, he's also a part of our friend group but he's a bit distanced and mostly keep to himself. And we shared a lot of common interests. So I hung out with him a lot, like a lot lot, I avoided everyone else tp bosen sendiri jadi tiap hari gw main aja sama tu orang, nonton, ngobrol, doing our own stuff beside each other, dan karena gw semacam anak norak nemu hobi baru, of course, kissed (and more). I started to sleep over a lot. Kalo gw di rumah pun dia dateng tp rumah gw selalu rame sama anak2 lain so I always ask to quickly move to hang out in his place. We didn't immediately have sex the first time I slept over. Ga make out all the time juga kita beneran mostly kayak nonton belajar atau masak bareng gitu. It took like months? Until the sex happened. It just happened, we both felt like it I guess. Kalo ga salah habis ga ketemu seminggu dua mingguan karena one of us was out of town. I was already super horny but we didn't have a condom jadi kita stop dulu to go out and buy tp malah sekalian jajan/jalan jalan dulu lol. But it happened later that night.
Tbh gw ga inget how it felt. Nor do I remember any sex I had actually. Gw baru ngeh gua pacaran sama orang ini like a year setelah gw unofficially moved to his place and months after that first time. Setelah putus I did it with a few others too. Tetep ga inget atau ga kepikiran setelahnya.

My outlook of sex is that I guess it is one way or tool to relieve yourself. Maybe to some it's a sacred tool, others use it liberally. Gw sendiri when having sex rather than kerasa "feeling good" gw lebih ngerasa it was necessary/something I crave at them moment. Kayak yes please put it in me because it will be pleasurable and I am horny and I want to have sex to get it done.

/r/indonesia Thread