[NSFW] I Have Never Been Able to Let Out My Frustrations After Helping Someone in a Motorcycle Accident.

It is a lonely feeling there, friend. Thanks for being there for him.

About 9 years ago I was on my way to work at dusk across a very tall bridge. There was a woman on the railing at the highest part. I just stopped and walked up to her, she was crying, but hadn't noticed me. I just walked up, grabbed her bed and pulled her down to the ground next to me. I had my knee in her chest pinning her to the highway retaining wall, but she wasn't fighting against me.

I was on the phone with 911, I'm sure it was just a very few minutes. 50-60 cars passed, not one stopped. It was the absolute lonliest I have ever felt.

It was also the stupidest thing I've ever done. Grabbing her could have gone so differently. I had a lot of years of carrying anger, towards the woman, the people passing... that forgiveness was hard. I hope you can find it someday.

/r/offmychest Thread