NSFW: What has been your most spine-tingling, bone-chilling, "I have a bad feeling about this" experience? What happened?

I was on my lunch break walking around a suburban area by myself. I usually am with friends/coworkers but this day I’m alone. I see a black man walking towards me dressed in an entirely red clippers sweatsuit. I’m a small woman. I have a weird feeling and think about crossing the street but tell myself that’s subconscious racism and to just keep walking. As we’re walking towards each other a cop comes hurling down the street and does a u-turn and immediately pulls his gun out at this guy and screams at him to get on the fucking ground. The guy pulls an axe out his backpack and points it at the cop. I think I’m about to witness the next national headline. I immediately start filming and walking backwards. The guy gets in his car and screeches off in the other direction and a cop chase ensues. I’m in shock. I get back to my office and find the news story a couple hours later. The guy in the red outfit had been threatening several people in the area with the axe and the cop was responding to a 911 call. I was going to be next. The car chase ended with the guy getting on top of his car in a prominent intersection and the cops shooting him dead. It was a very intense, scary feeling to feel like I had escaped something. And yet I spoke to no cops. My name is on no papers. All I have is shaky video recording of what could have been a much worse situation for me. I was the last non-cop to see this man take his last steps as a free man and now he’s dead. And the news story never blew up.

/r/AskReddit Thread