NSFW. What is the most disrespectful thing someone did in your house?

Tried to have a party with parents out of town. Nothing major, was aiming for 10-20.

4 people showed up. 2 of my "mates", and 2 arseholes from school.

We got stoned, it was all boring. I wanted the arseholes to leave but they lived miles away. Everyone crashed on the couch.

Woke up and everyone was gone.

There was an entire box of Weetbix crumbed and strewn across the kitchen floor, some booze missing.

Patents came home early, I had sort of cleaned up but they found evidence I had people over. I was grounded.

That evening I heard my mum scream/shout

They filled my parents' bed with mud from the garden, and put the used bong in there too

I beat one of them up at school 2 days later

/r/AskReddit Thread