NSV - got called a bastard

Out of curiosity, what are you even doing in this sub? Are you here to lose weight? If so, I don’t think it’s fair for you to judge another persons standards for goal posts. Goal posts can be arbitrary, like weighing less than a dump truck, or fixed, recognizable points: like weighing less than a person you see daily. Why does that imply morality? Or one is good or bad?

Do you know what virtue signaling is? It’s the application of morality. Just because that person weighs less than his sister doesn’t mean OP thinks they’re better than her. It means logistically, he should weigh less, and now does. If you’re insinuating there’s a moral high ground to being in your goal range, that’s a you problem. OP never said his sister was bad, or morally reprehensible. They’re statement only implies that they are now doing what they should be doing.

Frankly, if his sister is heavier than him, that’s her problem. Not his.

/r/keto Thread Parent