Number of executions by U.S. state since 1976

Originally I posted a long comparison, but I'ma just say this instead.

Actually, there is evidence that he does not exist. Or at least that the Bible is a load of nonsense written by regular people back when we didn't know as much as we do now. Probably the easiest to understand, is that according to the bible the world is less than 5,000 years old. Using carbon dating, we know just the Earth itself is billions of years old. There's also other things, if you want to hear them. But that's the thing about arguing with religious people, it doesn't matter what I say. You need to believe in god, at least for now. It brings you both comfort and purpose. And that's okay, religion is a major part of just, being a person for most people. That's normal. If you were born somewhere else, you'd believe in a different god. You can believe whatever gives you the best quality of life. And you don't need to argue with internet strangers to justify why you believe what you do.

And I don't either! So have a blessed life, peace and love

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