Nurses, please do right by your PCTs/Aides

The other day I asked the NA if she could please help a pt to the bathroom bc I had two blood transfusions and five med passes left on my six patients. Not to mention four family members are already irate because it’s 830 and noones updated them on Gertrude. She gave me tude and said “I have 18 patients u only have six….but fine I guess I can.” It made my blood boil. Also it seems like nowadays anytime I ask for help with anything the response is “I have to get vitals.” BRUH IDGAF ABOUT VITALS I can do them myself in 2 minutes not to mention if u tell me a pt’s bp is 70/40 and I ask u to get a manual u don’t know how. We never have na’s anymore anyway but when we do I still get my own vitals, blood sugar q2 on insulin gtt, etc. I appreciate a helpful and supportive na which could totally make my shift 100% smoother. But an na can’t do my work. So when I ask for help don’t roll your eyes and say I’m lazy because I don’t want to assist with adls. Trust me, if I would I could, and do. If an na doesn’t show up life goes on so please stop complaining. If a nurse doesn’t show up ish hits the fan 0-100 real quick.

/r/nursing Thread