Nvidia has been ignoring an extreme G-Sync+VSync performance bug on Windows 7 and Pascal based systems for the last 3 months

Everything you said about DX12 could describe 10 against 9C. Maybe you don't remember.

I haven't seen a DX12 title that interests me do significantly better in terms of visuals or performance to sway me towards Windows 10. Not anything Vulkan can't do anyway... I feel like I could play every title on Windows 7 if Microsoft didn't hold their Windows Store/Microsoft Published games hostage with DX12.

It's funny how you say there's so many changes, which objectively there is, yet here we are with most game devs with an ounce of self respect still releasing with DX11 renderers too - Usually with better performance, or at least neglible difference.

I have both W10 and W7 installed currently. Windows 10 being my main OS for about a year or so. I find myself using 7 more and more each day though...

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