NYC Public Schools: Should I be concerned if my child's 5th grade teacher doesn't appear to know how to use grammar and punctuation?

The responses on here are amazing, people fucking hate teachers, and thats why no one wants to be one.

I teach Engineering / Design / Tech to middle schoolers, arguably much more beneficial in some regards to actually land them jobs, help them chart out a path for themselves.

I worked in Engineering, owned a company, and guess what? I give 0 fucks about peoples grammar in emails. I think "oh they made a typo" thats it. Especially in the day of autocorrect, its probably that 9 times out of 10.

Also as a fellow teacher who works in the suburbs im lucky, were truly fucked, but not as fucked as the city. I dont even know how many hours I have worked this week past getting paid for it. We simply have no time.

I will say it, and I will say it again, if you are not a teacher, you will never in any way comprehend, understand or be able to truly know what its like. I worked in other industries, teaching by far is the most stressful thing I have ever done.

So in short, its probably fine, your kid will be fine for the 9 months they are in school considering they have the rest of their lives ahead of them.

/r/nyc Thread